Premium Business English coaching
loved by more than 500,000


Become better at English AND better at business

with my innovative, multi-modal

coaching programs.

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Premium Business English coaching
loved by more than 500,000


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Since she founded Business English with Christina in 2015, Christina Rebuffet has quickly become one of the most in-demand Business English Coaches for professionals around the world.

Known for her warm encouraging style, unique practical coaching method, and deep understanding of both European and American cultures, Christina has been living in France for more than 16 years.

She is a certified Neurolanguage® coach, with a team of 7 Expert Teachers trained in her method.

Christina and her team have coached professionals in a variety of fields and companies, from venture-funded technology companies to huge multinationals including Schneider Electric, SFR, and Dior.


Choose Your English Language Coaching Program

Speak Business English Confidently Private Lesson Program

My 12-week private lesson + conversation program to help you feel more comfortable speaking Business English in social and professional situations.

Neurolanguage Coaching in Business English

A private coaching partnership with Christina, for entrepreneurs, executives and employees who want to reach the next level of success & confidence.

Customized Coaching for Companies

Short- or long-term customized accompaniment to help companies operate effectively & comfortably in an international business environment. *All programs (except Neurolanguage Coaching) can accommodate large numbers for companies.


Client testimonials about my Business English Coaching programs

When I joined Christina's program, I wanted to be able to talk more at work, because I felt shy and embarrassed about my English. And I have a lot of calls in English! I consider that I learned more vocabulary, improved my pronunciation, and my confidence. Now, I find my words a lot more easily, even if I don’t have the exact word. I feel better in calls, and I can speak better. Christina's programs are well-organized and easy for busy professionals to follow the classes. The best thing is that I had the chance to practice English every day. All my improvement comes from this!

Paula Soledad


The methodology Christina used was perfectly aligned with my needs, and very efficient. The objectives of this coaching was to improve my communication and be more comfortable for different topics, to negotiate with people, and to be able to influence people. These were my big goals because I know how to do that in French, and I lacked those skills in English. The coaching was a great investment. The benefits are so high and so fast, that I feel this is the best way for me to improve. In all, I did 3 programs with Christina, because I saw so much progress, and I was able to improve very quickly, in many different areas of communication.

Audrey Verdier,


For a couple of years, I had the sense that I needed to level up my English. And then I found Christina's program, as one of the top-ranked programs on Google. And indeed, the coaching I got from the team was just awesome. I have high demands for myself, and now, I feel more confident. I got a lot of useful, insightful feedback on my way of speaking. Before, I felt insecure about my level, and I learned a lot about pronunciation & expressions. And I feel much better now. My new goal is to be able to make an English podcast and to interview Americans in my field! And I feel I can do it!

Paula Soledad


This is really customized coaching. I was able to work on things I wanted, to improve the way I needed. And it's step by step, so I made progress easily! It was very different from other programs I have experienced. You don't have just 1 teacher and 1 class. You have lots of different formats for learning, and I appreciated that because it helped me learn better and become more confident for many different situations. The teachers are very professional, and I learned a lot from them both about English and about business. I'm proud of what I accomplished with Christina's program.

Neil Uguen,


Before I did this program, I lacked practice speaking English, so I didn’t feel fluent. Now, I’m less blocked. I can speak much more. And I’m not afraid of making mistakes.
The program was not "easy", because it's ambitious! But it is easy to follow because it's organized & structured. I especially appreciated the resources from the teachers, to help me with my financial vocabulary.
And in the end, I realized that I don't need to be perfect to speak English comfortably, without shame. That’s the most important for me, and for my career. And now I feel like it's easy to speak English.

Odette Thiakane


I can’t tell you how much I’m thankful to Christina for her help, to face one of my biggest challenges ! Preparing with her my embassy interview to obtain E-2 visa for USA (during Covid-19 !) offered me confidence and fluency in English. Her knowledge and experience of both American and French cultures are priceless. I owe my success to her investment and support. Thank you Christina for being inspiring, for your high availability to adapt my roller-coaster schedule, and your kindness😊. I highly recommend her for English & mindset coaching.

Nelly GenissonKETOGENIC