I teach you how to understand
Americans when they speak fast

What happens when you try to understand native speakers?

At first, you understand, and follow the conversation. As the conversation continues, it becomes more difficult.

You feel lost and uncomfortable. You don’t know what to do…

“Should I tell them to speak slowly? That’s embarrassing.”

“Should I ask them to repeat, again? I’ll slow the conversation.”

“Should I smile and pretend I’m following? I feel stupid!”

“Why can’t I understand?!”
(Me, trying to learn French in France in 2003)

I've been in the same

embarrassing situation...

When I studied French at school, I was the best student in my class.

Then, I came to France…

When I tried to follow real conversations, it destroyed my confidence, every time.

“I understand all my French lessons! Why can’t I understand real people?”

I became uncomfortable, embarrassed, and asked a lot “Can you repeat please?”

All the time I had spent listening to French movies and songs didn’t prepare me for the real world…

I thought it would. But I was wrong.


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3 Myths about understanding real, fast English

  • “If I watch movies in English, I will learn to understand real conversations”

No scientific evidence supports this. Yes, it’s fun. Yes, it’s better than nothing. But when you watch a movie, you’re test your comprehension. You’re not actively learning how to understand better.

Learning HOW to understand is the key. In real life, there are no subtitles!

  • “I just need to go live in an English-speaking country for 6 months"

I thought this too: “I’ll go to France, I’ll be immersed in the language, and I’ll learn it like a child learns their native language. It’ll be easy!”


You are not a child. Your brain does not absorb the language the same way a child does. Plus, there is an advantage of learning as an adult: when I explain how to learn to understand, you can analyze apply my techniques, and progress faster.

  • “If I listen to CNN and podcasts every day, I will understand eventually”

This is passive listening. You do not actively work to better understand. There is a BIG difference between passively hearing English and actively listening to improve your comprehension.

Passive listening has a role in improving your comprehension. But you need active training too, so you can understand more, better, faster.

We’ve all met someone who has lived in an English-speaking country or “studied” English for years,
but still can’t follow conversations between native speakers. It’s very painful to see.

Why can’t they understand better?

Because there’s a BIG difference between listening a lot (even in immersion) and learning to understand

To learn faster, you need someone to teach you the sounds, the vocabulary, the culture

I found a friend who explained the sounds & expressions of spoken language

I felt less lost, less vulnerable. Progressively, I understood more easily

Finally, I felt like myself! I could build relationships and have real conversations

You don't need years of practice. You need a step-by-step system:

Your purchase helps others around the world too!

When you buy this course, I donate 10% of profits to the charitable organization Entrepreneurs du Monde.
Just like Business English with Christina, Entrepreneurs du Monde helps people to become more confident about their future and their skills.
Entrepreneurs du Monde teaches people in very poor communities in Africa, Asia, Haiti and France how to create their own business, so they can be independent, create a good future for their families, and adapt to climate change.
Together we’re stronger, and your purchase helps our bigger global community.
To learn more about Entrepreneurs du Monde, click here.

What's in the program?

14 Video lessons: I decode the fast sounds & colloquial vocabulary for you

Accelerate your comprehension. because you learn to understand the fast sounds, the vocabulary, and the colloquial expressions you never learned in school

10 Videos: Unscripted, spontaneous discussions between Americans

Practice listening as much as you want, so you’re prepared for conversations the real world. Because you’ve decoded the conversation, you actively train your ear (which is not the case when you watch movies for fun)

30 Exercises: Global and detailed comprehension

Test your comprehension skills and evaluate your progress as you work through the course. Each exercise highlights the most important lessons to take from the conversation.

Transcripts for each conversation

Check you understood the fast parts and see new vocabulary, so you remember it better. The transcript gives you all the expressions in context, so you learn to use them correctly.

10 Pronunciation exercises

Your pronunciation is the first thing others notice about your English, and it immediately impacts their impression of you. Sound more natural with these pronunciation & intonation exercises.

What level is this course?

This course is pre-intermediate to advanced (B1 - C1)

Try the course for 30 days with no risk · If you decide to keep the course, your access never expires

Students recommend this course to help you better understand spoken English

I live in the USA, but often work with other French speakers, so my English listening doesn’t improve very quickly. This course is helping me finally see what people say in real conversations, and to understand better!

Guy L.


I joined because I want to improve my English and better understand Americans on the phone. Even if I haven’t spent a lot of time on the modules, I’ve already gotten tips that make my conversations easier!

Lai S.


I want to learn to understand Americans and also improve my pronunciation, to sound better when I speak. This course is already helping me do both!

Darren L.


My husband and I have a project to go to the USA as investors, so it’s essential for us to understand Americans the way they really speak. This course is helping me improve my comprehension and feel more confident about my English too!

Vero B.


Your access to the course never

Do the lessons anytime you want!

You get access to the entire course, for life.
Nothing more to pay, ever.

When you learn a language, revision is important. When you buy this course, you get access FOREVER.

My guarantee:

You love the course, or I refund your money

I want you to be sure that “Understand Real American English” is for you. The best way? To let you try it.

Take one month to try the course. If you don’t LOVE it, I’ll refund 100% of your money.

When you learn with someone, it’s important to feel good about the relationship. I put all of my love, pedagogy, and fun energy into my courses, because I want you to enjoy learning English with me.

More than 250 students have joined the course, to test and approve the activities for you. They love it!

So what are you waiting for?
I’m confident that you’ll see this program is like no other English course on the market.

But if you don’t LOVE it, I’ll refund 100% of your money.

What's the cost of doing nothing?

Here’s a true story from a client. We’ll call her Valerie:

“I moved to Florida 2 years ago to follow my dream and create my company, a small surveillance company. Every day we call clients, receive clients, and go on-site to their home.

I studied English for 12 years and even if I’m immersed in American English now, it’s still very difficult for me to understand, especially on the phone.

I avoid it and delegate it to one of my American employees as much as possible.

How can I be credible if I can’t make a simple phone call without being dependent on an employee?

When I can’t understand a potential client, I ask them to send me an email with their questions. The client is polite and agrees, but then I receive no email, so I lose the opportunity.”

“I’m losing money because I can’t understand my American clients!”

Valerie lost business in the past because she had difficulties understanding clients.

When we opened the course earlier this year, she didn’t hesitate to join.

“It’s a very small price to pay to feel comfortable & credible with clients, to understand them, and do my job better,” she says. “I’ll have a return on my investment quickly!”

“Will this course work for me?”

  • “What happens when I pay?”

After you pay, you receive a confirmation email. It has your username and password. Use them to connect to your course.

You can begin the course when you want.

  • “In the course title, it says ‘Season 1.’ Do I have to pay again, like a subscription?”

No, this is a single, one-time payment.

You buy the course, and then you keep your access forever.

We included “Season 1” in the title, because we plan to make more courses like this one, with different themes in the conversations! That will be “Season 2”, just like with your favorite American series

  • My card is not in Euros. Can I join the course?

Yes. I already have students from USA, South Africa, Brazil, Guatemala, Taiwan, Russia, and more!

My payment system accepts currencies from all countries. Our system does the conversion automatically.

About the course content

  • What’s the difference between this course and your free videos on YouTube?

This course is a complete method. It’s a learning path where you simply follow the lessons and activities I created for you to reach your goal.

I guide you step-by-step from start to finish, and you know that you’re working towards your objective efficiently.

As you saw in the sample lesson, there are many elements in each module to help you learn each aspect of understanding real American English, and activities so you actively learn.

The free episodes on YouTube are great for learning tips on many different subjects, but they are not a structured course, and do not have exercises where you actively learn.

  • Are the conversations really authentic?

Yes, all of the conversations are authentic, unscripted, and just like conversations you hear in real life.

With my friends and family, we installed the camera, and just started talking about the topic of the lesson. But we

didn’t do any advance preparation… just like in real conversations.

  • What’s in the course lessons?
Module What you learn, in addition to the colloquial expressions from each conversation
1. Planning events, with Lisa
  • The weak schwa sound
  • How to understand words that include this very weak sound (it represents 30% of the sounds in spoken English. In other words, it’s ESSENTIAL to understand)
2. A recipe, with Bonnie
  • Disappearing sounds at the ends of words
  • How to recognize words when they are “squished” together and sound like one strange sound
3. Talking about a past trip, with Colleen
  • Understanding words with the flap T (where you see “T” but you hear “D”, and makes “easy” words hard to understand)
4. Driving directions, with Jennifer
  • Expressions like “should have” & “could have” that sound like “shoulduh/ and /coulduh/
  • “Going to” pronounced as /gonna/ or /gowintuh/
  • “Kind of a” pronounced as /kaï nuhvhuh/
5. Catching up, with Michael
  • Recognize common questions we say fast, without thinking
  • Understand the contraction of “them” with the word before it (it becomes /’em/)
  • Ignore the filler “like”, because we use it all the time, but it has no meaning
6. Discussing movies, with Jennifer
  • Follow a “messy” discussion with lots of false starts & unclear structure
  • How to follow a conversation that changes topics quickly and with no transition
  • The use of the word “stuff” (It’s so common)
7. Talking business, with Paul
  • “Little” transition words you hear in casual conversations
  • How we pronounce verbs with -ed (and how they’re squished with the next word)
  • “A lot of” pronounced as /uh lodduh/
  • Pronunciation of difficult words like “brewery”
8. Describing your work, with Rubin
  • Syllable stress in words, and how it helps you understand and speak more clearly
  • Word stress in sentences, and how it’s essential for others to understand you easily
  • Understanding when some words are squished and fast in the middle of conversations
9. A charitable enterprise, with Zachary
  • Understanding super fast parts within conversations
  • Coping with speed variations (they speak slowly, then quickly) in a conversation
  • “Of” pronounced as /uh/
10. Discussing the weather, with Kay
  • How sounds are squished in certain verb tenses
  • -ing pronounced as /in/ at the end of words
  • Liaisons between the /in/ sound and the following word

What will you do now?

You can continue just watching series and movies and pretend you're improving, but there's a cost:

  • Losing clients because they don't trust that you totally understand them
  • Missing opportunities to build relationships through real conversations
  • Damaging your credibility because you can't follow discussions
  • Feeling frustrated and stuck with your school English (possibly for years more)

Or, you can let me guide you step by step, to better understand fast English:

  • Enjoy better relationships, both in business and personal life
  • Connect with clients and colleagues, so you appreciate each other
  • Finally bridge the gap between school English and real conversations
  • Feel comfortable and confident in English, and proud to invest in yourself now

Need help? Got a question?

Me and my team are here to help you!